In total, Mega’s users have uploaded more than 100 billion distinct files. According to the latests 2021 report MEGA now has over 230 million registered users in more than 200 countries and territories. This is intended to provide transparency for users, regulatory bodies and suppliers as to Mega’s operating processes relating to privacy and to statutory compliance. MEGA also releases a yearly transparency report that publishes statistics on takedown requests, subscriber information disclosure and related issues. Mega publishes an SDK as well as source code of all their client applications for transparency and the developer community.

In the first few weeks after the Mega launch, various security problems were found that researchers said an attacker could use to gain access to a logged-in user's files. This means that users can reconstruct data even when one of the parts is unavailable. They also store another part in yet another country recording whether the number of “1” bits at a certain position within all parts is even or odd.

Which means files are split into roughly equal-sized parts and stored in a different countries. By encrypting files MEGA can work with a larger number of data hosting companies around the world, decreasing the likelihood of a Megaupload-style seizure of servers by one government. Therefore, they cannot be responsible for the contents of uploaded files.

Since Mega does not know the encryption keys to uploaded files, they cannot decrypt and view the content. Data on Mega services is end-to-end encrypted client-side using the AES algorithm.